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    Many people think that it is not necessary for them to make a garden themselves since various agricultural products are easily found at the market. In fact, gardening does not only provide you a delicious harvest for your dining table, but it will also reward you with a number of health advantages that you never imagined. We here would like to share with you some astonishing benefits resulted from gardening as follows:


    1. Reducing Stress

    Gardening makes you focus on your cultivation work and keep your mind in a goal. Activities with the green view of the garden could help reduce your stress and anxiety. Gardening also provides you an opportunity to have fun exercise with your family members including your kids.


    2. Good for Your Bones

    When you garden outdoors under the sun, it will make your body increase vitamin D. This vitamin assists your body to produce calcium, which is crucial for bone formation and it could also help strengthen your immune system.


    3. Burning Calories

    Gardening is considered moderate-level exercise. Doing one hour of light gardening can burn about 330 calories according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Activities of digging and planting in the garden can help enhance your heart as well.


    4. Air Purification

    Plants grow through a system, which consumes carbon dioxide and water to create glucose, and produce oxygen. Plants breathe opposite how humans do, carbon dioxide in, oxygen out. When you grow your plants in your home, they will act as natural air purifiers.


    5. Enjoying Fresh Food

    When you have your own garden, you will always enjoy fresh produce of your vegetables, fruits or herbs. The flavor of fresh foods is awesome with newly picked vegetables from your natural garden. All the produce will start to lose nutrients and moisture after harvesting.


    6. Educational Tool

    Allowing your kids to assist you to grow in the garden can be a great practice to teach them about responsibility, caring for another living thing. Through this, children can learn that if they plant a seed, water, and care for it, it will grow into a plant that can give them food back.

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