Before deciding to borrow money, please check the terms and conditions of the loan clearly.
Please avoid signing a contract without understanding the terms.
#Finlitkh #microfinance #CMA #CMAweekly #LoanContract
Why did the world create banks and financial institutions?
Why is there a need for them? Banking and financial institutions? What are the benefits of these institutions to each country?
#Finlitkh #microfinance #CMA #CMAweekly #Bank #Microfinance
Capital from microfinance helps expand businesses and support family livelihoods.
Microfinance loans always contribute to improving the livelihoods of people's families by providing capital to expand businesses and help increase income. Please watch Sister Lorn Soklin's experience sharing about using loans below!
#Finlitkh #microfinance #CMA #CMAweekly #SuccessfulClientStory
Use loans for specific purposes to increase family income.
Please use loans for specific purposes to increase family income and avoid using loans for unnecessary material expenses or for any kind of immoral activities that lead to excessive debt or bankruptcy.
#Finlitkh #microfinance #CMA #CMAweekly #Loan
Risks of using informal loans
Madam Governor's statement on the risks of using informal loans